Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Transform Your iPhone 5c Into A Connect 4 Board Using This App And Official Apple 5c Case [VIDEO]

The App Store is a goldmine of weird and wonderful creations, and although we see plenty of intuitive apps and wonderfully enticing games, sometimes an app comes along so novel that it just has to get a mention. If you’ve seen some of the official iPhone 5c cases, you’ll know that there’s one featuring quite a few circular holes on the back. In many ways, it could resemble a Connect 4 board, and thanks to the nous of one developer, the Hasbro classic has been remade to work in conjunction with the new case. Details after the break.

Although the holes in the case are found to the rear, one can simply flip the case back-to-front, which then facilitates a physical Connect 4 board. From there, competitors can enjoy the iconic title as if it were a real Connect 4 board, and although the original, touch-friendly title is still pretty good fun, this neat little case trick is a neat amalgam of classic and contemporary.

Click to play 

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